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COVID-19 Dental Treatment Guidelines Update v13                   Updated 10.00am 21 November 2023

The health, safety, and well-being of our staff, patients and community is our top priority. All our team has received three to four doses of Covid Vaccination as well as the Flu vaccine. Covid is still in the community so refer to  for the latest advice on exposure locations, contact definitions and requirements, where to get tested and how to get vaccinated.

We can provide a full range of dental services using standard precautions for people who do not meet epidemiological or clinical risk factors for COVID-19 infection transmission.  

For patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection: Informed Dentistry cannot provide treatment of any kind as we do not have the full suite of protective measures in the ADA COVID-19 Guidelines. If urgent dental treatment  is necessary, please call Australian Government Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080 to determine the appropriate management.

It is important to maintain our current screening protocol and extra precautions. Please find following an outline of how we are conducting patient appointments:

Prior to Arrival

  • We ask you to confirm that you have not got a cough or cold/flu symptoms and that you have not had any close contacts with cases of COVID-19 in the last 5 days.
  • If a patient answers YES to any of these questions, we cannot provide routine dental care. We will reschedule the appointment when symptoms resolve.

On Arrival

  • Upon arrival at the practice reception, we encourage patients to use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser and rub their hands for 20 seconds. Mask wearing is not mandatory but is encouraged becasue out reception area is small.

Waiting Room

  • We have removed unnecessary items in the waiting room including toys and magazines.
  • We have adjusted seating in waiting room to ensure social distancing between seats.
  • As the space is small, we encourage you to wear a mask and can provide one if necessary
  • We regularly wipe down surfaces with an appropriate agent, including door handles, reception desk,pens, eftpos machine,phones.
  • We provide access to tissues and alcohol-based hand rub.
  • We have placed a cough etiquette and respiratory hygiene poster in a visible position

In the treatment rooms

  • We have rigorous infection control protocol, wear PPE and are all trained in Hand Hygiene
  • We use rubber dam and high-speed evacuation to decrease possible exposure to infectious agents

Patients with Confirmed/Suspected COVID-19

  • We cannot treat patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19.   If urgent dental treatment   is necessary, please call Australian Government Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080 to determine the appropriate management.